What I love most about MLS PIN is the culture of dedication and excellence we’ve built here. Our technology is top-notch, our people are wicked smart, and our customers come first.
— Kathy Condon, Former MLS PIN CEO
Built for New England
MLS PIN is one of the largest REALTOR®-owned multiple listing services in the nation. We offer a database of approximately 15,350 properties for sale and more than 4.1 million off-market listings and full public records for all of Massachusetts and Rhode Island and much of New Hampshire.
Our mission is simple: Give our customers a competitive edge via comprehensive data, user-friendly technology, and exceptional service. With a subscriber base of over 39,400 real estate professionals, we’re just getting started.
Did You Know?
We’ve got twenty-five birthday candles on our cake — MLS PIN has been around since 1999.
Built for Customers
MLS PIN’s in-house developed Pinergy application, designed with our customer’s needs in mind, offers some of the best technology available for listing, searching, and connecting with buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals.
Other significant services include sending real-time property matches to 250,000 consumers and providing complimentary syndication to third-party local and national publications and websites.
Did You Know?
Pinergy was built to keep up with you — even on the go. Its responsive design makes it easy to use your mobile device for finding and sharing listings.
Built for You
But it’s not just about creating and curating the technology you need to run your business. At MLS PIN, we’re dedicated to creating an atmosphere of extraordinary service and engagement. Our customer care line is available seven days a week, including evenings, and our free training classes are held at convenient locations throughout Massachusetts.
Did You Know?
Our team sticks around — members of our senior management team have served since the corporation’s inception, and much of our staff have tenures well into the double digits.